Site Policy

Scope of this Site

This website “GRAND CYCLE TOKYO Official Homepage” refers to the following domain
The scope of this site does not include sites under domains other than those listed above. Please refer to the site policies and other information posted on each site for the policies of sites other than this site.

Accessibility Policy

1 Policy

This website is designed to comply with grade “AA” of the Japanese Industrial Standard JIS X 8341-3:2016 “Guidelines for older persons and persons with disabilities – Information and communications equipment, software and services – Part 3: Web content” (hereinafter referred to as “JIS X 8341-3”). The goal is to comply with grade “AA” of the

1 Scope of coverage

The page will be under the “GRAND CYCLE TOKYO” official website,

2 Eexception

The following are excluded from the target because they are difficult to correct.
Content in PDF, Excel and Word formats
When posting new content in PDF, Excel and Word formats, efforts will be made to include a summary of the content in text on the website and as an attachment, as a general rule.
Content using services provided by third parties such as X (former Twitter), Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc., and accompanying content Titles (captions) for tables that have been published in the past
Content provided by third parties for which no data exists for correction, or which cannot be corrected due to rights issues.

About Technology

1 Recommended Environment

We recommend the following browsers for safer and more comfortable use of this website.
Microsoft Edge Latest Version
Google Chrome Latest Version
Safari Latest Version

2 Usage Technology

Adobe Acrobat Reader (latest version) is required to view and print PDF files on this site, and Microsoft Media Player is required to view video and audio files. The latest version is required for some pages.
This site uses cookies to make your visit more convenient and to obtain information to continually improve the site.
Cookies are pieces of information sent to your browser from a server related to the operation of this site and stored on your computer. However, the recorded information does not include any personally identifiable information such as your name, address, or telephone number.
In addition, there is no direct negative impact on the user’s computer.
Cookies from third-party companies to which TMG outsources its services may be used to monitor access to individual pages.
It is possible for users to refuse to receive cookies by adjusting their browser settings. Even in this case, there will be no significant hindrance to the viewing of this site.
For information on how to set up your browser, please contact the help function of your browser or the manufacturer of your software.
This site uses JavaScript for some of the contents to provide a better user experience.
Please note that if JavaScript is not turned on (enabled) in your browser settings, the site may not display or operate properly.
This site uses TLS encrypted communication for some services in order to improve the level of security.
To use such services, your web browser must be compatible with TLS1.2.
By using a web browser that supports security functions, personal information such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers entered by users is automatically encrypted before being sent or received.
PDF (Portable Document Format)
Adobe Acrobat Reader by Adobe Systems is required to view PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view the PDF files.
Excel, Word
Some of the attachments on this website are provided in Microsoft Excel and Word formats. Microsoft Excel and Word are required to view these attachments.
For X (former Twitter), YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LINE, Tik Tok, note, and weibo, please refer to the terms of use of each site.

3 Information Security Policy

This site protects information assets from threats in order to continue our business based on the trust of our users and to fulfill our social mission.
In order to maintain the security and accuracy of information assets, we will strive to prevent unauthorized access, destruction, falsification, loss, leakage, etc., and implement appropriate security measures.
The handling of information assets shall comply with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Basic Policy on Information Security, as well as laws, regulations, and other rules.
When outsourcing the processing of information assets, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will ensure that the information is handled under appropriate management. We will establish a system for continuous improvement and aim to maintain and improve information security.

Terms of Use and Legal Matters

1 Disclaimer

Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, no guarantee is given as to its completeness or accuracy. The information is subject to change or deletion without notice. We assume no responsibility for any direct or indirect losses incurred through the use of the information or content contained in this site.

2 Prohibitions

The following actions are prohibited when using this site
Actions that obstruct or interfere with the operation of this site.
Actions that cause or may cause annoyance, disadvantage, privacy, or other damage to other users, third parties, or GRAND CYCLE TOKYO Executive Committee.
Actions that are or may be offensive to public order and morals.
Actions that violate laws, regulations, or ordinances.
Other acts that TMG deems inappropriate.

3 Change of Terms and Conditions

The content of this Site Policy is subject to change or deletion without notice.

4 Governing law and court of jurisdiction

Unless otherwise provided herein, the use of this Site and the Site Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction and direct jurisdiction in the first instance over any disputes arising from or in connection with the use of this Site.

Multilingual Support Policy

This is the official website of GRAND CYCLE TOKYO. We have prepared an English-language site in order to disseminate information to a larger number of people and to help them understand our efforts.
Click [EN] for English website.

Handling of Personal Information

Please refer to “Privacy Policy” for our privacy policy, cookie policy, etc.

Copyrights and Links

Please refer to “Copyrights and Links” for information on copyrights, links and other rights.